FAQ: Sending Chinese Text Messages on Samsung Smartphones
Q: How can I send Chinese text messages with my Samsung Android phone? It looks OK before I send it, but recipients see only question marks like "???" instead of Chinese characters. 
A: There is a setting in most Samsung smartphones (like the Galaxy S III) that I do not have on my "pure Google" Samsung phones (like the Galaxy Nexus). The following change seems to fix the problem:
• While you are in Messaging, go to Settings
• Look for "Input mode"
• Change that to "Automatic"
Then try sending a new Chinese text message.
If you do not have any Chinese support on your phone, this won't help of course. See my FAQ on Android phones with no Chinese for more info on that problem.
If you seem to have everything you need and Chinese SMS still won't work, please let me know. Maybe I can help you figure it out, or at least learn more.
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